Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Random Bits of information

*I went to Chic-fil-a yesterday and I love it there for many reasons. Not only are the restaurants clean, bright, and cheerful...not only are the employees friendly, helpful and reliable...but I always get such great opportunities to talk to people about Nativity. I don't know if it's because I am more willing since Chic-fil-a has that whole "Christian" label attached to it...but regardless, I was able to talk to two random people about Nativity. ALSO, there is a wonderful woman named Miriam who works at the Coceysville Chic-fil-a, and she is just so beautiful. I was happy to see her, and since I was grabbing lunch for several other people, she saw I had lots of bags and helped me carry my stuff all the way across the lot to my car!! Unbelievable. She reminded me to keep praying for her (she's joined us at Nativity a few times) and so now I am spreading her request to anyone reading. Pray for Miriam, her job, her family and that God blesses her in abundant and bountiful ways!

* "Meet the Robinsons" was on tv this morning. I absolutely adore this movie, and could watch it ten times in a row. It's so clever, and fills me with such great feelings after watching it. It has a great message, is highly entertaining and has great characters. My absolute favorite part is at 3:30 in this clip below...but I just love that movie so much.

*Also, one of my favorite songs comes from "Meet the Robinsons." The ending part of the movie fills me with such jubilations...and plus this song is so fantastic. It has been playing in my head all day as I live. It's the good kind of song to get stuck in your head. Check it our below:

*It's really cool because we're talking about evangelization this weekend at Nativity..and God keeps showing me opportunities to talk to others about Christ (and Nativity). On Tuesday I was driving home from work, and I saw a little lemonade stand. Now, as an alumna of the "lemonade stand buisness" I have made a promise that anytime I see a lemonade stand and I 1) have money and 2) have a bit of time I HAVE to stop and buy some. It not only makes the kids happy, but it makes my day as well. So I stopped at this house, and the dad and the kids and I got into a conversation about my car. He says he sees it drive into the church a lot. BINGO! Conversation about church begins. We talk about his background, his kids, what he wants. It ends with me writing down mass times and website so he can come visit Nativity. AWESOME. It made me realize that God doesn't necessarily need us to evangelize in like one of four ways. He will use us, our personality and passions, to open up doors to talk to others about Him. I didn't do anything spectacular or even praiseworthy. i just stopped for some lemonade because it is fun. Seemed pretty tiny to me. And yet, because of what God can do, it could change lives.

*I am so pleased to announce that Mrs. Lisa Scata has joined our nativity team full time. (I have a "first day" photo of us together... but my camera cord is at i'll share that with you later). She is quite a joy and a big blessing, and I can already see huge fruits of having her on the team, and it's only been 3 days! It's quite wonderful.

*Bob Barczak is my friend. We went to Africa together, among many others places. He reads my blog, and writes a lot in the Nativity Nigeria blog. He also informed me that lots of people from different countries read my blog too. It's fun learning things from Bob-he knows a lot. Hi Bob! :)


Pete Ascosi said...

hola Kristen,
I like your blog, keep up the good work for Jesus! Blessings,

Lisa said...

It is quite lovely working with you, too. :) Thank you!! I heart your blog so much.
Love, me