My friend Brian sent me this today-and it is chock full of smartness...and some Holy Spirit too!
What’s the best way to confront? James 1:19 teaches three rules for confrontation. Everyone should be:
· Quick to listen,
· Slow to speak, and
· Slow to become angry.
If you’re quick to listen and if you’re slow to speak, you’ll automatically be slow to anger.
What are you listening for? You are listening for the hurt in that person. Hurting people always hurt other people. When someone is being a jerk, more than likely it’s because that person is hurting. When you understand their hurt a bit, you have a better understanding of why they do what they do, and you’re a little more patient with them.
Understanding always brings patience. When we don’t understand things, we’re impatient. When we understand them, we’re much more patient.
Very wise words. totally appropriate for the election-time of lately. I just found your blog. I hope you don't mind if I link to it in mine. <3
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