Saturday, August 30, 2008

Being Made New..again and again...

A lot of time in writing, it is when God reveals His glory. It's when he clicks in the pieces of the puzzle that confuse me and don't make sense. He blows open my whole perspective and flips things upside down so that, even just for a moment, I may have a glimpse of things through His eyes. The more writing I can motivate myself to do, the better. I think writing in a blog is also a good way to encourage and to stay accountable and to share Christ with an online community.

Our God is such a big God. It's silly, sometimes when I sin and do things I know aren't best, I just really get so bogged down in how I disappointed God, and how He's gonna "like me less then He did yesterday." But man, God's love is not like a fluctuating thing. If I think about it, we did absolutely nothing to deserve His love in the first place. The amazing unconditional thing was just given to us for NOTHING that we did. We are ridiculously unoworthy to begin with. So, we did not and could not do anything to EARN this love, therefore we can not do anything to take it away. I hear this again and again and again but rarely does it impact my heart.

I guess the only time we really get clouded and think God's love is lessening is when we let the devil take over. He makes our unworthiness clearer to us, and just makes us feel like such awful people. But, like the verse says, once we become "in Christ" meaning developing a clearer and deeper relationship with Him through baptism, we ARE MADE NEW! That's so cool! It's like, literally, we are completely washed away of all the bad side effects of our mistakes. The Lord knows we are going to make them, but His love is like a steel wall that could NEVER EVER be broken or even cracked. When I really relax in God's presence, there is a peace that completely passes anybody's understanding. It cannot be described, but it is amazin, and God just pours out His presence to me, and I'm so grateful for those times. I'm gonna do stuff thats not good, and I have to forget what other people are gonna think. I mean, honestly, we will NEVER suffer as Christ did, and yet we are so scared to cause a lil commotion. If I could not find any other reason, I just want people to feel the peace that I know. Because that love that I feel, God has for everyone. It's amazin! We're so lucky to have such a loving Father.