Thursday, February 5, 2009

workety work work

It's really weird when you find yourself complaining or having a bad attitude about a situation or circumstance...then when you actually take time to think about it, you really what you have is what you asked for. You actually have what you always wanted.

God has been showing me that today. It's so easy for me to stress and worry and be grumpy about certain things, or about tasks I have to do and forget how crazy it is that I get to do what I do. The fact that I have a job that I love, that works with me and my life, and has more purpose than I can even believe is crazy. It's unfair. It really is I remember thinking about when "the future" in college and wondering what my work life would be like. If I would have some sort of office or if I would have a relationship with my coworkers or if I would get to interact with people and plan "meetings" and have agendas and go to starbucks and know my coworkers orders and bring snacks in to share and have office chats and "while you were out memos" and work clothes and my own extension and lots of emails and voicemails...

and I have that. Plus way, way more. I work at a church that believes in something,stands for something and envisions something...and will stop at nothing to fulfill it. It's a different kind of church. One that above all else, desires to lead people into relationship with Christ. A place where they really care about my gifts and talents and encourages me to do only what I am gifted to do A place where my love of theater, children, and theology combine. A place where I get to minister and love teen girls every day. Where I can mentor a middle school small group and have a ton of middle and high school girls that I care about like they are my family. A place where lives are changed, and people meet Jesus and learn about God's purpose for their lives.

Right now, I would not trade it for anything I am thankful for my job. I am one truly blessed girl. Every day may bring its own trials, frustrations and warfare, but all in all I have one heck of a sweet job.