I am in love with "Cardioke". First of all, who knew there was a Billy Blanks, Jr.? The first Billy Blanks and his Tae-bo thing scares me and I don't think I'll do it again. But THIS is awesome! It's like someone got inside my brain and figured out a way for me to do cardio that combines singing and dancing. I did it for the first time today on exercise-tv and it was the most fun thing ever. The only downside is that one of the songs we sang was that completely obnoxious song "don't cha" that I promptly made up my own words to so that I could still sing along. Um, try this out if you aren't a big running-cardio-fan...but still know you need to get your heart rate going. Plus they are super positive and all about giving people confidence in who they are and taking good care of themselves.
My cousin has gotten engaged! I am probably way more excited than I should be. I cannot wait to look at fun things with her and go dress shopping and all kinds of craziness. This is really the first friend (cousin, but friend is a better fit) that has gotten married that I get to help!!!! Plus her boyfriend...excuse me..fiance..is super fantastic-so it's good all around.
I have a like 6 appointments to make and have completely struck out on all of them. It can be really frustrating when you try to catch up with personal business on days off and completely strike out. Either all the new doctors on my list I'm trying to book are not accepting new patients, or the numbers are wrong, or they don't have openings until August, or the people I'm used to seeing are booked solid. CRAZY! It's a busy time of year I guess. I just want to get all my doctors and whatnot totally settled and find people I like. Oh, being an adult. :)
Friday is usually the day I clean and organize everything (in my life and where I live) so I am trying to get in the mood to do so. I want to get in a better bedtime routine and morning routine involving set prayer times and locations, reading material, exercise, healthy planned breakfasts/late night eating (not good..but if you are gonna do it there are certainly things to avoid). I think the only way this may happen is if I make some kind of list and post it near my bed. We'll see how that goes...
I, like most others, am ready for spring. I was trying to figure out on weather.com if this would be a good day to start getting out some spring clothes...but it didn't help much. I don't know if a week of 60 degree weather is enough to declare spring to the state.I'm gonna hold off and keep out the sweaters for another week.
Sometimes I want to go on that show "what not to wear." I don't dress that poorly, but I would love someone to teach me how to shop for my features and match things-and to dress professionally. Oh well, guess I'll have to learn as I go like everyone else.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Completely Random Information
Posted by Church of the Nativity at 10:42 AM
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Your comments about Billy Blanks made me laugh. I used to have his Tae-Bo tapes! So Don and I just looked up Cardioke on demand and I was dancing all around the living room. I LOVED IT (despite hitting my foot on the corner of the wall)! The combination of dancing and singing was great. Thanks for enhancing our lives with the suggestion! Love you! ~Lisa
"I want to get in a better bedtime routine and morning routine involving set prayer times and locations, reading material, exercise, healthy planned breakfasts"
I can't tell you how many times a year, I resolve to do the same! I am in a rut now so I usually start by picking one thing to change a week and adding on so I don't get totally overwhelmed.
-Rebecca T.
PS. I think I might have to try Cardioke.
I love love love Cardioke! So much fun. I also use his dancing workouts and they work great and are just as fun. This is a preview of my favorite. Enjoy
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