Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Serving

Hello! I am currently in a hair salon waiting for my hair to be complete. I normally wait a lot longer than you are supposed to to get a haircut-but because I see those darn announcements on those GIGANTIC screens at Nativity every single weekend, at some point I just crack and have GOT to get my haircut within a two day period. It's like I can't handle it anymore, and I must do SOMETHING. So, that happened to me on Sunday, and I thought "I MUST do something with this hair to make it look okay by the next filming!" (Which unfortunately is not this week but next week). SO- needless to say, I'm happy at least one of my appointments has gotten worked out.

This has been such an awesome, awesome weekend. It was First Serve Weekend at Nativity, which basically means it's one giant encouraging push for members of Nativity who are not in a ministry to get in one! This has been done in the past by a giant white tent ( typically a staple for any Nativity event) and lots of tables and cookies and ministers.

Maria pioneered something new this year, and I for one, thought it was FANTASTIC. Ministers had to stand under cool floating triangles, wear green and a nifty green/white pin, and carry around easy-to-fill-out cards. There were so many cool things about this weekend...
-it was really fun to see so many people wearing green and working for one cause. Being a very team-oriented person, I love when you can feel a sense of purpose and community like that (and uniforms and matching shirts help, too!). It excites me and makes me thankful to be a part of something so important.
-I love little touches that Maria adds to things to add excitement and enthusiasm for her projects. Anytime there is a theme for anything, count me in.
-I was so proud of so many ministers, from all kinds of areas, working really hard to engage people in genuine conversation, and really encourage them to take the next step in their faith journey today.
-I met so many awesome new people who are excited about starting in a ministry. I even met some really sweet new people who read my blog and were excited to talk to me about it! (Hi Cindy! (: ) How cool is that?
-I connected with a few really awesome people who shares our vision for children's ministry and are dying to get involved. That was such a huge blessing for me, to now that God is instilling similar ideas and enthusiasm for the future of all our programs, especially children's and especially time travelers (because that is the ministry I work the most closely with). It just reminds me that God is so ABLE and ready to take care of us. He is so capable and not only that, but the desire is there. He loves us completely, fully and unconditionally. No hurt or pain is too small for him to care about. No situation in our life means nothing. He's never too busy to listen and guide and love. He always has time for us and always has the right thing to say/do.

We all WANT to be loved like that. For most of us, we just need to accept it.
Claim what is yours!


Lisa said...

Ok...not that I'm stalking you, but I just read your blog again. :) I love the last line. AMEN! I agree it was an awesome weekend! I am a fan of Maria's thematic touches, as well. In addition to being SOOOO motivated and moved by the great response from people interested in Children's Ministry, the Jelly Bellies were amazing!