Saturday, June 27, 2009

fear not

**EDIT- I live next door to two awesome VBS campers, who are then related to two MORE VBS-ers...and as I was just visiting them I was informed that my nickname is "The Boss" from VBS, and my neighbors cousins kept saying, "They live next door to The Boss of the whole thing!!" And as I came over to the house just now they ran through the house looking for each other saying, "MISS KRISTIN IS HERE!!!!!" Man, it's funny how God grants us desires of our hearts. I always wanted to be a movie star growing up, and now through beautiful children, I get to experience the fun of having an influencing role in a lot of kids' lives. **

VBS is over, therefore I have more time on my hands :) But I loved creating an enviornment for these kids to step into, and so it was really a pleasure to play a part in such a life changing week for a lot of people.

I really was blessed with some incredible ministers to serve with, and I am astounded by their love for these 260 kids who attended camp. God definitely showed up!

I have also decided that being around people who build you up, make you feel good about yourself and who truly love you is a very, very important thing. It really can and does allow God to move rapidly in big and small moments. It can change everything, really.

I have also decided that these people who you spend time with, can be 80 years old, 40 years old, 14 years old, or 4 years old. Age is so inconsequential when experiencing love-and learning about life.

I learned so much about life and God through these children this past week. And that is completely priceless.